Next up, the savage-sounding group, Electric Barbarian, formed by bassist Floris Vermeulen. Unlike the previous band (SC Yun Trio), the lighting was much brighter with a wider use of the lights.
This 5-piece was one the most unique groups of the night, with the incorporation of music from the turntables (DJ Lamont) and the often dramatic performance (Spoken word) of Luanda Casella.
Luanda, at one point in her performance, brought on the hula-hoop and started gyrating her hips, all the while whispering/singing in her trance-like interpretation of the number. From a photographic point of view, this was definitely a welcomed sight!
On the other hand, Floris the bassist, almost never took his eye off his guitar. As his face was constantly facing the photographers below the stage, it was just a matter of waiting for the right light to capture his moment.
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